Ecological Surveys (Bangor) was formerly a partnership run by Mike Prosser and Hilary Wallace and is now continued with Hilary Wallace as sole trader.

Career outline

Hilary Wallace:

2016 - to date Ecological Surveys (Bangor)

1989 - 2016 Partner in Ecological Surveys (Bangor) with Mike Prosser

2007 - 2011. Part time Research Co-ordinator for the Floodplain Meadows Partnership

1988-1989 Self-employed ecologist

1986 - 1987 Contract work with CEH Bangor

1980 - 1986 Research Assistant to Professor John Harper, Bangor University



1980 Master in Science, Ecology. University of Wales, Bangor

1977 Bachelor of Science (2 i) Physical Geography with Agriculture, University of Reading



British Ecological Society


British Bryological Society

Royal Forestry Society

Shropshire Botanical Society (newsletter editor).

Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland